
Autonomous Robot Navigation

  • Developed a Lidar based autonomous differential drive robot simulation in Gazebo.
  • Used SLAM for indoor map building, and EKF for filtering, and AMCL for navigation.
Tools: ROS, Python, RobotPoseEKF, Movebase, HectorSLAM, Gazebo, RvizSkills: SLAM, simulation, state estimationSource:  Link

6DOF Quadcopter Path Following

  • Developed 6-DOF flight dynamics simulation of quadrotor.
  • Implemented an LQR attitude controller with integral-action setpoint control.
  • Developed an outer loop PD path-following controller.
Tools: MATLABSkills: Flight Dynamics, ControlsSource: Link

6DOF Robotic Arm

  • Derived Forward Kinematic Equations for a 6-joint arm using DH Parameters.
  • Developed a Newton Inverse Kinematic Solver.
  • Developed a ROS Gazebo robotic arm simulation to move the end-effector to the desired location using service calls.
Tools: ROS, Rviz, Gazebo, Joint-State ControllerSkills: Robotics, Controls,SimulationSource: Link

Boeing 747 Lateral MPC Control

  • Developed an MPC controller for Boeing 747 30,000ft cruise to determine optimal aileron and rudder control for steering.
  • Simulink to Flightgear to visual simulation.  
Tools: MATLAB, Simulink, FlightgearSkills: Flight Dynamics and ControlSource: link

Quadrotor DDP Path Planning

  • Developed a Differential Dynamic Programming solver for quadrotor with integrated Barrier State functions for offline Obstacle Avoidance manuevers. 
Tools: MATLABSkills: Dynamic Program, Motion Planning, simulationSource: Link

Live Satellite Ground Track

  • Developed Live Ground Track Interface for Tracking LEO Satellites using TLE data and Numerical Propagation of Force models.
Tools: Python, TkinterSkills: Orbital Mechanics, DynamicsSource: link

Mars Reentry Optimization

  • Implemented direct collocation method for Mars Reentry trajectory to optimize for bank angle control inputs to minimize total reentry deceleration, and land rover at target landing coordinates. 
Tools: MATLABSkills: Flight Dynamics, Trajectory OptimizationSource: link

Mars Reentry Unscented Kalman Filtering

  • Developed Unscented Kalman Filter to reconstruct hypersonic reentry and atmospheric density profile from simulated accelerometer and altimetry data.
Tools: MATLABSkills: Kalman Filtering, Flight DynamicsSource: link

Planetary Entry Descent Mission Design Tool

  • Developed Entry Descent Mission Design Tool that solves for optimal atmospheric entry conditions and entry trajectory for any planet given atmospheric and gravity models.
  • The tool lets you select conic and biconic vehicle geometries and determines heating rates and total heat loads
  • The tool can perform Monte Carlo Analysis for Landing Site Determination
Tools: MATLABSkills: Aerodynamics, Orbital mechanics, Dynamics, StatisticsSource: 

Space Hardware Lab

  • Cubesat Hardware Assembly
  • PCB design for the motor controller board.
  • Single Reaction Wheel Control
  • IMU, GPS, payload sensors (Lidar, Imagers, magnetometer) integration using I2C, UART, and SPI with Beagle Bone Black.
  • Solar Cell characterization and Power budget analysis.
  • SimpleOS and KubOS routine programming.
  • Ground station communications testing using GNUradio with HackRF.
  • Thermal Cycling, Vacuum Chamber Testing, and Vibration Testing.
Tools: Linux, Python, C/C++Skills: PCB Design, Mechanical design and testing, Space Systems Design, programming, Control Systems.

Satellite Attitude Estimation and Control

  • Developed the Devenport-Q method to solve the Wabha's Problem.
  • Developed the QUEST (Quaternion Estimator) algorithm.
  • Developed an LQR controller for Linearized Quaternion Dynamics to determine optimal three-axis torques to rotate a satellite to the desire attitude
Tools: MATLABSkills: Attitude Dynamics, Control Systems, state estimationSource: link1 , link2

Aerospace Systems Design

  • Developed UAS system for Disaster Recovery mission using Aerospace Systems Engineering Principles.
  • Used Morphological Matrices, QFD matrix, TOPSIS Analysis, performed trade studies, and competitive analysis for development.
  • Used SysML to decompose System into Requirements diagram and Parametrics Diagram.
  • Tools: SysML, Excel.
  • Skills: Rotorcraft Design, Aircraft Vehicle Performance

2023 VFS Design Competition

  • Secured 1st place at the 40th Annual VFS Student Design Competition for Harpy High-Speed Vertical Take-off and Landing Rotorcraft (HSVTOL).
  • Developed and optimized rotorcraft model for aerodynamic analysis.
  • Derived aircraft stability derivatives, estimated control derivatives for rotor-ons, elevators, and Rudders for dynamic and static stability analysis.

Mars Mission Senior Design

  • Performed Mars Mission Analysis; created Porkchop plots, and Interplanetary Trajectory in MATLAB for SWARM Mars Lander for spring 2025 landing.
  • Performed Trade Selection for Space Systems.
  • Used GMAT for TCM burn analysis & B-plane Targeting.
  • Developed Reentry Trajectory for Northern Hemisphere landing.
Tools: GMAT, MATLAB, PythonSkills: Orbital Mechanics, Space Systems Design, and Spaceflight dynamicsSource: Link